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Get A FREE Website planner

This Website Planner is going to help you get super clear, and organized and help you and your web designer avoid all the newbie mistakes that keep web design projects dragging on and on forever!

Free website planner

This website planner will help you gather all the information you need to plan out your new website!

I know how hard it’s for someone who’s not a web designer to think of everything that they might need for their website, especially without a website planner. Usually, your web designer should at least provide you with a checklist, if not a website planner, of what you need to prepare based on the pages needed and the goal of your site.  Today I want to share with you, the Website Planner that I use with all my clients. This will help you gather all the information you need to plan out your website.

Where should I send your free website planner?

You will receive your website planner straight to your inbox!

Start organizing your new website with this website planner!

I’ve rarely had a client that was 100% ready with content before we started the site. The main reason was that they didn’t have a website planner to help them get clear and organized with their content.

When you don’t use a website planner, each time the deadline gets extended and you have to wait longer for your website to be ready.

So, if you’re just getting started with your website, looking to work with a web designer, and want to make sure you’re not wasting time or money on steps that won’t get your site launched – this website planner is for you!

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, but if you take the time to use a website planner to manage your project before working with a web designer, the end result will be a professionally put together site delivered on or before your ideal launch date, on budget, and with the least amount of stress and headaches.

If you fail to properly plan and execute your project, the consequences can be disastrous, including not meeting your deadline, going way over budget due to scope creep and late fees, and failing to meet the expectations of your service providers (web designer, photographer, copywriter), resulting in contract termination, and a slew of headaches and stress. So we must avoid it at all costs!

A well-designed website can result in increased sales. Your website should be more than just a pretty place where people can learn about you.

Website planning is the practice of understanding the goals of the business before beginning any design work.

Your objectives may include:

– obtaining more leads
– marketing your services, events, digital products
– growing your email list
– providing content that sets you an expert in your field

All of these objectives influence how your website is structured to guide the customer from the first to the last page.

DIY website planner

It's time to take control of your website, BEFORE working with a web designer, and start managing all aspects efficiently with this website planner!

You will receive your website planner straight to your inbox!

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